Thanks For picking up the Author Email Recipe Book. We hope it will be a really helpful resource for building a great list of targeted subscribers and engaging with them in creative and fun ways.
You may also want to add our email recipe card package to your hamper...
28 "Ready Made Recipes"
(Just Add Your Own Flavors)
The Recipe Book covers 28 specific recipes you can use when you cook up author emails to send to your rapidly growing list of fans. The thinking behind each is explained, as well as numerous examples of how we have used them to connect and engage with readers.
This additional pack is essentially like a cupboard full of ready-made meals - as close to copy and paste as you can get. There is one text document for each kind of email mentioned in the Author Email Recipe Book.
Obviously, you would need to add your own unique flavor to them, season them with your genre specific tastes - but the basic ingredients are already mixed for you to use.
Author Email Recipe Cards
- 28 copy-and-paste files, one for each email strategy.
- Simple, fill-in-the-blanks recipes that you can use to write great emails that will build relationship with your subscribers and keep them engaged with your books.
- Inline tips on what unique content to add to the mix to make your emails pop with wild exotic flavors!
These "recipe cards" are so brilliant, I actually stood up from my desk and cheered when I read them.
These are the templates every author needs to see, to craft compelling emails that readers and fans will look forward to.
I write my own books, but when it comes to emails, I'm clueless. I kinda-sorta know what to say, but I tend to stare at the monitor in deer-in-headlights mode. I'm not sure if I'm saying the right things, or how long (or short) the email should be, and what tone to use when I'm writing to my fans.
These recipe cards cleared that up immediately. I can't begin to estimate the hours they'll save me, trying to craft good emails to readers.
Sure, you could create similar templates from the great guidelines in the Email Recipe Book, but with more than 25 ready-to-use email messages... well, I'll use these and save my writing time for my books.